Hello and Welcome!

Thank you for stopping by my website.

My name is Kai, and I am an Associate Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School.

I am interested in:
– using transiting surface ships as sources of opportunity for the purpose of array and environmental parameter characterization
– acoustic signal and array processing in the presence of environmental noise and uncertainty

In my free time, I enjoy to backpack and to sail.

Contact Information:
Email: kay.gemba[@]nps.edu
Office: (831) 656-2855
Last Updated:  Nov. 20th, 2021

Quote of the moment (Press F5 to refresh):

The scriptures speak of three Holy rivers Within.
These are Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss.
Being beyond thought or effort
they cannot be objectified or subjectified.
They are so dear, so near,
behind the retina and before the breath.
You need not see This, you are it.
